For your coaching journey

Path Coaching Company aims to provide curious sports coaches with the level of individualized and independent support they need, when they need it.

Built on the premise that great coaching drives great athletic experience and performance, Path Coaching Company was founded in 2022 by award winning coach developer, Phil Edwards to give coaches access to a level of coaching support previously only reserved for a select few.

Find out more about Phil:

Craig Parnham

USA Field Hockey, High Performance Director

“I have had the pleasure of working with Phil for a number of years. I have always admired his ability to identify specific actionable tips and strategies that help coaches broaden their self-awareness and develop their coaching skills.”

A former Team USA coach & current technical director for Rutgers University Field Hockey, Phil has 20 years of coaching & coach development experience working across all levels of sport in the USA, UK & South Africa.

Phil is passionate about sport, coaching and the role of coaches in bringing about positive change in individuals and teams while helping them achieve their goals. Coaching is a complex business but if pressed for a definition of coaching he’d likely go with “coaching is raising awareness & responsibility to unlock potential & maximize performance” (Sir John Whitmore). In practice this is best summed up in the words of cricket coach, Paddy Upton,

"I help you discover your own best solution"

Phil holds a masters degree in Sport Science from Nottingham Trent University along with a Postgraduate Diploma in Elite Performance (Sport) from Dublin City University.

As a coach developer with USA Field Hockey, Phil was recognized as the United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee Coach Educator of the Year in 2021.

If you are working with Path, you are working with Phil.

Got coach?

Schedule your complimentary Coaching Discovery Call today to find out more about the Coach2Coach program and how individualized and independent coaching support can help you take your craft to the next level.

Path Coaching Company

Trusted by curious coaches of all sports, at all levels.


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